When Schopenhauer said “We seldom think of what we have but always of what we lack.” It shows the position of man toward nature. There are two words that I will unleash their secret to you. This words if used everyday are so powerful that your life can be changed radically, practically overnight as nature will begin to pour out abundance resources to you.
A lot of people have used these two secret words and have gone on to amass great wealth for themselves. What are these two secret words? I’ll tell you that in a second. Before I spill my guts to you, I want you to know something first. In order for you to get what you want or more of what you want out of life, you must be willing to humble yourself and agree to do what those who have become successful before you did and said. Every single one of those who were successful in life knew these two magic words and practiced saying them, either out loud, or in secret. But they made it a ritual to say these words everyday.
Watch the people in the world who have followed in the footsteps of those who stated these two words and you will find they too knew what it took to become successful. They were not afraid to say the two secret words every single time they had a chance to do so. So what are the two secret words already? Hold on to your hats because I am about to unleash the secret to you, what those two secret words are and when I tell you, you will be amazed beyond what words will be able to say. You may be held speechless for a few seconds as you gather your thoughts. The two secret words that all the successful people say every day are “THANK YOU” That’s right. They say “thank you” everyday of their existence. Why do they say the two words “thank you”? This is because these two words have a lot of power, especially as far as the Universe is concerned.
You don’t seem to be wealthy if you have twenty million dollars in the bank but spend all of your energy worrying about how to protect it from others, or how to protect yourself from losing it. You are abundantly wealthy when you realize that your daily needs are met, and you take great pleasure in the simple experience of being alive.
In order to attract your goals to you more quickly you must feel as strongly as you are able that your goals are already a reality for you. Act the way you would act if all of your desires were already met. Feel the way you would feel if you had successfully accomplished all of your goals. These emotions set in motion the events necessary for your development. Thank You is the secret emotion for setting in motion the experience of prosperity in your life.
When saying ‘Thank you’ especially to the Universe, you are telling the UNIVERSE I am grateful for ALL what you gave me, also it symbolizes humility, being grateful to the Universe signify that you are not greedy with the blessing of God and the gift of life.
Today, you must allow yourself to feel true gratitude for everything that is positive in your life. Give thanks for your friends and the people you love. Give thanks for the food you eat. Give thanks for your health, your sanity, and your ability to grow and learn. Be grateful for all of the simple little things that you completely take for granted but would sorely miss if they were taken from you.
As well, feel grateful for all of the wealth that you already possess, and feel grateful that you are learning psychological principles that will greatly enhance your ability to attract wealth into your life from now on. If you honestly cannot generate a positive feeling of gratitude, ask yourself this question: What could I feel grateful for if I wanted to? Ask this question and your brain will come up with an answer.
From now on, whenever you spend your money, do it gratefully. Be grateful that you have money to spend, even if you feel poor. Be grateful that you have food to eat. Be grateful that you have a warm bed to sleep in tonight. Gratitude is the single most important step to developing abundance consciousness. Practice feeling gratitude whenever you get the chance. Take fifteen minutes right now and feel the truth of these words: Gratitude is the magic key of ALL true wealth.
Affirm this every day I am thankful to GOD for all of the wealth that I already have, and I am filled with gratitude for my future of prosperous, exciting experiences.
I promise you your life will never be the same!!
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